Saturday, April 23, 2016

Earth Day!

Fact: Earth day is the third most popular holiday after Christmas and Halloween. 

Here's the thing, there are approximately seven billion people to only one Earth. Don't you think it is a good idea that we all learn how to live more environmentally friendly to help sustain our resources? 

Living a more sustainable lifestyle is not only healthier for the environment, but it is also healthier for you! Not to mention, it can also offer economical benefits. 

Tips & Tricks
- Try walking, riding a bike, or taking the bus when possible. Reduce the amount of emission smog put out into the air, and also get some extra physical activity in. 

-Use reusable dishes and napkins to reduce the amount of trash in the landfills.

-Buy organic produce and dairy from the grocery store or farmers market when possible. Your dairy won't have artificial growth hormones and your produce will be clear of harmful pesticides. Also, organic farming uses 30% less fossil fuels. Here are some tips I got from Jillian Michael's book Master Your Metabolism. 

Always Buy Organic                                                                 Sometimes Buy Organic 
- Meat, dairy, eggs                                                                                         -Processed foods
-Peaches, nectarines                                                                                       -Onions
-Apples                                                                                                          -Avocados
-Bell Peppers                                                                                                  -Pineapple
-Celery                                                                                                           -Cabbage
-Berries                                                                                                          -Broccoli
-Lettuce                                                                                                          -Bananas
-Grapes                                                                                                          -Mangoes
-Foods you eat a lot                                                                                        -Asparagus 

You could even try planting your own organic garden! 

-Recycle! Look up what your local area takes in their recycling. Avoid using Styrofoam containers and use cardboard or paper containers when possible since they break down and decompose faster. (Check out how long items take to decompose here.)

I hope you all had a Happy Earth Day! Let me know what you do to be energy efficient and healthy in your own life! 

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